Book a demo
of TimeKeeper

Are you interested in discovering how TimeKeeper can benefit your business?

We’d love to show you around the platform and help you assess if it’s the right solution for your needs.

Simply choose a date and time to connect with a member of the TimeKeeper team via video call. Once your demo is scheduled, you’ll receive a Google Meet calendar invite for the session.

Please note that we prioritise demos for companies with more than 50 employees. If your company has fewer than 50 employees, feel free to submit your inquiry, and we’ll follow up with a booking confirmation. In the meantime, we recommend watching our pre-recorded demo here.

Whistlestop tour

Quick Resources

Pressed for time and can’t attend a live demo? No worries—we’ve got you covered.

Here are some quick resources: a TimeKeeper brochure you can easily share with your colleagues, or if you prefer, watch a pre-recorded demo that gives you a complete walkthrough at your convenience.

Weekly Timesheet Template Calculator
Glackin Electrics
"We are more than happy with TimeKeeper as it is doing a brilliant job managing our time and attendance for workers on site."
Kieran Glackin
Managing Director, Glackin Electrics

Ready to save your
business time and money?